"Honey, grab the kids, the 'Aliens' have landed!"
British contemporary artist Olga Lomaka's solo exhibition, “Aliens," is making its debut during London’s 2023 art season, offering a captivating journey into the human psyche.

Meditating Rainbow, (2021) by Olga Lomaka

London, UK - October 1, 2023 - FprBuro Communications Agency announces the solo exhibition debut “Aliens" by British contemporary artist Olga Lomaka, featuring over twenty unique sculptural works. The exhibition will run from October 11th to 15th, 2023, at Zari Gallery in London, UK. "Aliens" delves into the realm of human desires within the context of contemporary popular culture.

British Contemporary Artist Olga Lomaka

Olga Lomaka, an accomplished British artist, has made a lasting impression on the art world. She holds a BA (Honours) in Painting from Camberwell College of Arts, University of the Arts London, and her work has received international recognition, including the prestigious 'Best Contemporary Artist of the Year' award from Phillips Auction House in London. Her series, ”Aliens" embarks on a profound exploration that challenges traditional representations of extraterrestrial beings. Lomaka draws parallels between these otherworldly entities and our human experiences, navigating this cosmic journey through the contrasting realms of screaming and meditation. In Lomaka's own words,

“[…] Screaming, though powerful, seldom leads us to our true selves. It is only through the profound silence of meditation that we can truly uncover our essence."

Artworks from British Artist Olga Lomaka’s “Aliens” series

Within the confines of "Aliens," viewers will encounter a thought-provoking juxtaposition of alien forms and human desires. This compelling interplay serves as a canvas upon which the contrast between the primal act of screaming and the serene practice of meditation is artfully painted, both deeply ingrained in our collective imagination.

"Aliens" invites the public to embark on this extraordinary voyage of self-discovery from October 11th to 15th. The exhibition will commence with a press breakfast on October 10th, followed by an exclusive Private View.

Zari Gallery — London, UK

Material provided by the press office of Olga Lomaka at FprBuro Communications Agency.